Yoga Awakening with Sue Archives - Yoga Awakening With Sue Mon, 13 Jan 2025 04:16:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Embracing Lila! Wed, 30 Oct 2024 16:35:47 +0000 Embracing Lila! Awakening Playfulness! In our fast-paced, goal-driven lives, it’s easy to lose sight of the simple joy of play. By coming back to our mats over and over again, there is a powerful concept that invites us to reconnect with our innate creativity and joy. This concept is known as Lila. Lila, in Sanskrit, […]

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Embracing Lila! Awakening Playfulness!

In our fast-paced, goal-driven lives, it’s easy to lose sight of the simple joy of play. By coming back to our mats over and over again, there is a powerful concept that invites us to reconnect with our innate creativity and joy. This concept is known as Lila.

Lila, in Sanskrit, translates to “divine play.”  It is a reminder that life itself is an unfolding dance, a beautiful and spontaneous act of creation. The spirit of Lila encourages us to step back from our schedules, responsibilities, and goals and approach life with an open-hearted curiosity, much like a child would. By embracing Lila, we reconnect with the pure joy of living in the moment, free from judgment or expectation.

The Power of Play in Healing and Transformation

When was the last time you let yourself be truly playful? We often think of play as something reserved for children, yet we adults need play just as much—maybe even more so. Playfulness is a natural antidote to stress and the feeling of being “stuck.” When life starts to feel rigid or monotonous, Lila offers a way out. By inviting play into our lives, we shift our energy, sparking the creativity and resilience we need to move through challenges with grace.

In our yoga practice, this might mean exploring a pose with a sense of fun rather than striving for perfection, or it could be trying something new without the fear of “getting it wrong.” When we approach life and our practice with the energy of Lila, we allow ourselves to laugh, to stumble, and to experience life in its fullness.

Lila Awakens Our Creativity

Creativity is essential to personal growth and healing, but stress, worry, and self-doubt can block our creative energy. Lila reminds us to cultivate our creativity by letting go of the need for control. Just like a dancer loses themselves in the rhythm, Lila invites us to lose ourselves in the process, focusing not on the outcome but on the joy of self-expression. Remember Lee Ann Womak’s words of wisdom… “if you get the chance to sit it out or dance I hope you dance.”

By infusing our lives with Lila, we allow ourselves to take risks, try new things, and open up to the unexpected. This is the path to creative freedom—a path where we move from a place of flow and intuition rather than fixed expectations.

Practicing Lila: Bringing Playfulness to Everyday Life

Here are some simple ways to weave Lila into our daily routines and bring a  little more playfulness into our lives:

  1. Dance Like No One’s Watching: Whether you’re home alone or surrounded by friends, put on your favorite song, close your eyes and let yourself dance freely. It’s a powerful release and a reminder that joy lives in movement. My teacher Prekash at Triguna Ashram in Rishikesh India would wake up every morning to a “dancing meditation”. See Triguna Yoga
  2. Try Something New: Take a risk and allow yourself to get a little muddy!  Experiment with a new yoga pose, and do something that you would typically say “no” to.  Being open and spark your curiosity and playfulness.
  3. Laugh and Let Go: Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself. Next time you stumble, literally or figuratively, try embracing it with a smile. Lila is about shedding perfectionism and embracing life’s imperfections with joy.
  4. Schedule ‘Play’ Time: This might sound counterintuitive, but in a busy world, intentionally setting aside time to play is essential. Whether it’s painting, dancing, or exploring a creative hobby, commit to a little playtime each day.

Lila on the Yoga Mat

Our yoga practice is a beautiful space to embody Lila. Rather than seeing each pose as a challenge to master, approach it as an exploration. Feel the stretch, breathe deeply, and notice how it feels to move without expectation. Allow your practice to flow, welcoming any spontaneous movements or feelings that arise. This is where true creativity and freedom are born, right in the present moment.

In embracing Lila, we remind ourselves that life doesn’t always have to be serious. Through play, we find joy, resilience, and an endless wellspring of creativity. So, the next time you step onto your mat or into your day, invite a spirit of playfulness and see where it leads.

If you want to find the balance between playfulness and structure in your practice, join Yoga Awakening with Sue see all classes and Wake Up and Manifest with Sue HERE

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BUDDHI YOGA Sun, 23 Jan 2022 21:22:49 +0000 This past year, while having more time to reflect at home, I created a sequence of poses that combine ashtanga and vinyasa principles. Similar to the ashtanga practice, the sequence never changes. It also emphasizes a dhristi (gaze) in every pose and a consistent ujjayi breath (victorious breath). This practice includes 30 basic to intermediate poses. (some […]

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This past year, while having more time to reflect at home, I created a sequence of poses that combine ashtanga and vinyasa principles. Similar to the ashtanga practice, the sequence never changes. It also emphasizes a dhristi (gaze) in every pose and a consistent ujjayi breath (victorious breath). This practice includes 30 basic to intermediate poses. (some similar poses are combined for simplicity in learning the sequence) The practice is very disciplined in order to quiet the mind. I have called the sequence Buddhi Yoga. Buddhi literally translates to the word “awake” which relates to my business name – Yoga Awakening with Sue. It also is a coincidence that my maiden name is Budd so therefore Buddhi Yoga became the name of my new sequence! Here is a more precise definition of Buddhi Yoga as defined by Yogapedia.


Buddhi is a Sanskrit term derived from the root, budh, which means “to know” or “to be awake.” Therefore, buddhi refers to intellect, wisdom, and the power of the mind to understand, analyze, discriminate and decide. Buddhi yoga helps to develop buddhi and unites the mind with the Higher Consciousness. Developing the spiritual mind, refining consciousness, and succeeding in merging with primordial Consciousness are the directions of Buddhi yoga.

When we have awakened truth and higher discrimination in the material world we are able to discriminate between the higher Self or pure awareness and our lower self or the one who is solely connected to the material world. When we are dependent on the material world to provide our happiness then we can never reach a higher level of conscious awakening called buddhi. Buddhi or discriminatory awakening helps us to distinguish what is right from wrong. When our lower thinking mind called manas is able to easily distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad then one has reached a higher state of pure reason called buddhi.

According to Swami Rama in his book Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita, he states that the higher or sattvic buddhi has the following characteristics.

(1) The power of discrimination is developed

(2) The buddhi that has learned to discriminate between the Self and non-Self, between the supreme Self in its unmanifest state and its power of manifestation, possesses the power of non-attachment

(3) Such buddhi has one-pointedness and inwardness

(4) It has attained calmness, quietness, and steadiness; it remains serene, undisturbed, and undissipated

(5) It is free from the desire for sense gratification

(6) It helps one to decide right from wrong and to act in a timely manner

(7) It makes one selfless and giving, without any expectations

(8) It helps one to remain tranquil and even in all conditions

(9) It helps one to remain a witness

(10) It leads one to spiritual heights


Below is my Buddhi Yoga sequence. This sequence will be used as part of Park City School of Yoga training in addition to training in the Anusara style of yoga and Kundalini. To learn more about this all-inclusive in-person yoga training see more HERE.

You can practice the sequence HERE with me on Youtube.

1 Ujjayi pranayama (victorious breath) Gyan mudra

2 Mantra intention followed by ohm

3 Balasana (child’s pose)

4 Cat-cow

5 Samasthiti (even standing)

6  Surya Namaskar  A  (Sun salute A) 3 times

7 Surya Namaskar B  (Sun salute B) 3 times

8 Uttanasana  (standing forward fold) to parsvotansana (pyramid pose) to Parivrtta Parsvottanasana (revolved pyramid pose)

9  Adho mukha śvānāsana (downward-facing dog pose) to V1 to V2 to reverse to trikonasana hold 5 to revolved trikonasana hold 5

10 DD to V1 to V2 reverse to parsvakonasana hold 5 to parrritta parsvakonasana  hold 5

11 Utkatasana (chair with twist)

12 Utanasana to V3 to half moon to garundasana

13 V1 to V2 to reverse warrior to side plank

14 Shalabasana (locust pose) and dhanurasana (bow pose)

15 DD to V1 to V2 to reverse to  skandasana (skater’s pose) to -prasarita padottanasana (wide legging standing forward fold) to hanumanasana (monkey split)

16 Vrksasana (tree pose) and uttitha hasta Padanghustasana (hand to foot pose)

17 Kakasana (crow pose) (maybe add tripod headstand)

18 Vadrasana to virasana (hero’s pose) to ustransa (camel pose)

19 Eka pada rajakapotasana (pigeon pose) to navasana (boat pose) to lolasana

20 Marichiasana (sage’s pose) to Janu sirsasana (head to knee pose)

21 Dhandasana (staff pose)

22 Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend)

23 Crownshasana (heron pose)

24 Sirsasana 1 (Headstand)

25 Balasana (child’s pose)

26 Setubandasana (bridge pose)

27 Supta badokanasana (reclined wide-angle pose)

28 Dhanurasana (wheel)

29 Supine Twist

30 Savasana (corpse pose)

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Yoga for Better Sleep Wed, 02 Jun 2021 00:59:42 +0000 According to Consumer Reports, 164 million Americans struggle with sleep at least once a week. As a yoga teacher, this subject repeatedly arises with my students. For me, the number one long-term help with sleepless nights is a steady commitment to the practice of yoga. Yoga relaxes your mind, releasing toxins and stress from the body. Savasana […]

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According to Consumer Reports, 164 million Americans struggle with sleep at least once a week. As a yoga teacher, this subject repeatedly arises with my students. For me, the number one long-term help with sleepless nights is a steady commitment to the practice of yoga. Yoga relaxes your mind, releasing toxins and stress from the body. Savasana (final corpse pose), done for approximately 8 minutes at the end of every class, teaches you to let go completely through body and mind. What I find most amazing from my many years of daily yoga practice is that my sleep routine now mimicks savasana, beginning on my back, turning to each side, and then falling asleep. With a commitment to daily yoga, you too can begin to develop a pattern for relaxing the body and mind to easily fall asleep. Below I have listed other helpful ideas.

Help for Sleepless Nights

  • No electronic devices or TV one to two hours before bed without fail!
  • Like clockwork, go to bed and arise at the same time every day.
  • Drink the supplement Calm (magnesium) before bed.
  • Take a calming bath before sleep.
  • Do a peaceful activity before bed like Yin Yoga or Yoga Nidra with the wonderful free App Insight Timer.
  • Have a routine every time you get into bed, for example, practicing full-body breathing or counting your breath.
  • Practice yoga 5 or 6 days a week, always taking time for the final pose, savasana, for 8 minutes.
  • If you wake up in the middle of the night, without fail, put a sleep meditation on such as the following from Insight Timer App.
  • Go to sleep with gratitude (keep a gratitude journal) and think of two things that you will do the following day just for yourself.
  • Wake up and manifest. Happily start your day with yoga. (Wake -Up and Manifest with me Monday through Friday from 7:15 to 8:00 am MST)
  • Consider a retreat or intensive yoga training to give yourself the gift of a complete recharge.

A commitment to yoga practice is one of the best ways to improve your sleep. Most importantly, try some of the ideas above and practice yoga with an 8-minute savasana. Over time your body will be more relaxed, you will be more disciplined, and your sleep patterns will become more regimen. Making positive changes is about a daily commitment. Start tonight and make a commitment to practice some of the ideas above. Namaste to better sleep!

See you on the mat!


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The Koshas Sat, 06 Mar 2021 22:41:35 +0000 We often seek refuge on our mats to stretch and calm the mind. As we expand our yoga practice, we learn that yoga is much more than this. By exploring the koshas, we can move beyond the physical and mental practice. The koshas are a term in yoga that refers to 5 layers, or sheaths […]

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We often seek refuge on our mats to stretch and calm the mind. As we expand our yoga practice, we learn that yoga is much more than this. By exploring the koshas, we can move beyond the physical and mental practice. The koshas are a term in yoga that refers to 5 layers, or sheaths of our being. The outermost layer is the physical body, followed by the energy body, mind-body, wisdom body, and bliss body. They were first defined in the Upanishads, an ancient yogic text written around 400 BC.

The 5 koshas build one upon the other. The deeper we unravel and purify each sheath, the more we flourish, revealing our true essence and divine nature. Below, I have outlined the 5 koshas with techniques for purification. Our continual goal in yoga is to unravel the layers of our being so that we can flourish in mind, body, and spirit.

The 5 Koshas

Annamaya Kosha – Physical Body

This is the outermost sheath or layer. It represents the lowest of the layers and relates to the earth element. Caring for our physical body is the first step towards bringing awareness to the layers of our being.

Purification techniques

  • Practice bodily cleansing techniques (shatkarma). Use a neti pot for cleansing the nasal passage 2 or 3 times a week.
  • Implement an Ayurvedic (the sister science to yoga) lifestyle. Try a Zoom appointment with an Ayurvedic doctor in India. See more here.
  • Practice yoga daily and other forms of exercise.
  • Eat healthy and whole foods and follow an ayurvedic diet.
  • When practicing yoga, be aware of how your physical body is aligned in space. 
  • Develop more body awareness and release bodily tension by trying this Self-Realization practice here.

Pranamaya Kosha – Energy Body

We only breathe in and out of our lungs, but we can sense prana or life force anywhere in our body. When prana is restricted and tight, this can lead to physical and mental illness. Pranamaya kosha is connected to the water element.

Purifications Techniques

  • Pranayama (breathing) techniques. There are hundreds of breathing techniques to calm the mind, nervous system and increase our energy or life force. Try this practice here.
  • Try this full-body breathing technique here.
  • Take yoga classes that place more emphasis on the breath.

Manomaya Kosha -Mind Body

This is the bridge between the outer and inner world. It is the conscious mind. It relates to the fire element.

Purification techniques

  • Meditate to calm and still the mind.
  • When practicing yoga, try to remove all distractions around you.
  • Spend a day “turning your thoughts around. Every time you have a negative thought, change it to something positive. Continue the practice!
  • When you become distracted by your thoughts while doing yoga, try focussing on your breath, keeping a steady gaze, and letting go of distractions.

Vijnanamaya Kosha – Wisdom Body

This layer relates to the subconscious mind and the air element.

Purification Techniques

  • The more we practice mindfulness and meditation, the more we can connect with our intuition and inner wisdom. The next time you want to pick up the phone to ask a friend for advice, try meditation instead and trust the veracity of your own wisdom.
  • On the mat, trust your intuition when it comes to challenging poses. Allow your inner wisdom to guide you, and be careful not to push beyond your boundaries. Trust that you are your own best teacher.
  • Try yoga practices that are less alignment-based and instead take you deeper into the inner world of your subtle body. Try this class. Energy is Everything.

Anandamaya Kosha – Bliss Body

This is the most subtle state, the bliss layer. The space where you are in tune with your highest vibration, your best self.

Purifications Techniques

  • Meditate and let yourself be pure consciousness right here at this moment. Imagine connecting with your universal self. Sense your bliss body. Feel contentment and lightness. Feel pureness in body and mind rather than over-analyzing. Practice this 5 minutes a day.
  • Take time every day to do your favorite activity or try a new activity.
  • On the mat in “happy baby,” bring memories back to a joyful childhood experience. Happy baby or balasana translates to “blissful child.”

A Meditation to Bring Awareness to the 5 Koshas

Come to a mindful seat. Lengthen the spine and sit tall. Begin to notice your physical body (annamaya kosha). Notice where your body is tense. Relax this area, then move to another area where you feel some tension. Give yourself a body scan and continue this cycle. Spend a few moments in each of these areas until they release. Take a few moments in gratitude and appreciation for wherever your physical body is today.

Now bring your awareness to your breath (pranamaya kosha) and imagine your breath breathing you. Imagine this breath flowing from the souls of your feet all the way to the crown of your head. Continue to feel this full-body inhale and exhale. Inhale from heels all the way to the crown of the head and then exhale back from head to heels. –Breath in and out through the nose. Repeat 10 times.

Now bring your awareness to your mind. (manomaya kosha) Ask yourself, “Is my mind rushing and racing?” “Am I thinking about the past or the future?” Now sit with your mind in complete peace. Allow this depth and presence of consciousness, and just be. Observe the emptiness. Internally repeat: I am not my body, I am not my thinking mind. Draw awareness to the mind and body and imagine peace, purity of mind, a light emptiness.

Now draw your awareness to your third eye between your eyebrows—the area of wisdom and intuition. (Vijnanamaya kosha). Focus here and become aware of your own “inner guru.” Meditate and celebrate your inner wisdom. Reflect on this truth and abundance.

Finally, bring your awareness to your bliss body (anandamaya kosha). Even if you are not feeling it, meditate on bliss and joy. Feel it bubbling up inside of you. Take your time and really notice what it feels like in your body.

In Summary

Yoga allows us to expand into all the layers (koshas) and levels of our being. These layers add to the richness of our yoga practice. By digging deeper into these layers, we realize that we are much more than one-dimensional beings. With consistent practice, we will begin to remove these sheaths to reveal our true selves, our Divine nature.



Further suggestions: The 5 Koshas

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Awareness of the Subtle Body Tue, 02 Mar 2021 23:29:04 +0000 Through meditation and mindfulness, we learn to become more aware of what yogis and mystics call the subtle body. In brief, the subtle body is a vast system of energy centers. Yogis of the past were able to label this inner dimension by extensive practice in meditation and mindfulness. Through meditation, they were able to […]

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Through meditation and mindfulness, we learn to become more aware of what yogis and mystics call the subtle body. In brief, the subtle body is a vast system of energy centers. Yogis of the past were able to label this inner dimension by extensive practice in meditation and mindfulness. Through meditation, they were able to map 72,000 energy centers called nadis. These centers or nadis connect to and support our internal organs and anatomical functions. The breath of prana or life force flows through these energy channels. When prana flows freely through these channels, then it is said that our bodies’ internal functions will be working optimally.

The Chakras

Of these 72,000 nadis, there are 7 main energy centers known as the chakras. The chakras extend out from the sushumna channel which runs along the spine. You can think of the sashumna channel as a riverbed with estuaries flowing from it. Like the river bed, all the nadis extend out from this central channel.

The 7 chakras support all of our internal functioning. When prana flows freely through these channels then we are more likely to be healthy through body and mind. To learn more about the 7 main chakras you can check out my blog here. or try a yoga class here. Everything is Energy

Why it’s Important to Bring Awareness to the Subtle Body

When we draw awareness to our subtle body, we begin to manage how we exhort our energy both on the mat and in our daily lives. On the yoga mat, we learn to use less effort in challenging poses. In our daily lives, we learn to be less reactive and go about our day effortlessly, no matter what we are faced with. Holding onto our troubling thoughts uses our precious resources of energy.

In yoga, we call these negative impressions samskaras. We hold these emotions deep within our cellular structure. Unless we learn to find emotional release, we may hold onto these samskaras our entire lives. These impressions suck up our energy and weigh us down both mentally and physically. One way to release this negative energy is through yoga and pranayama techniques.

Ways to Practice Awakening the Subtle Body

Take a moment now to go inward and observe your body and mind. Where are you gripping in your body? Where are you using excess energy? Is your body calm, or is it tense with effort? And what about your mind? Are you focussed here in this moment, or is your mind wandering, judging, multi-tasking? All of these things use our precious resources of personal energy.

Through the many aspects of yoga practice, we can find emotional release. One of these techniques is full-body breathing. Here is a wonderful exercise that can help you to calm the mind and sense the prana flowing through the body. This is also a great practice if you have trouble falling asleep.

Another way to practice balancing our energy centers is with a pranayama technique called Anulom Vilom or alternate nostril breathing. You can practice this technique in this daily ritual video here.

For more reading about our subtle energy, check out Michael Singer’s book The Untethered Soul He states, “It’s actually a shame how little attention the Western world pays to the laws of inner energy. We study the energy outside and give great value to energy resources, but we ignore the energy within.”

The more we take time to be alone in self-awareness, the more we can enter the world of our subtle bodies. Try and dedicate 10 minutes a day to self-study, and you will be amazed at the changes it can bring to your life!

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The Lesson of Hanuman Mon, 22 Feb 2021 02:46:08 +0000 The post The Lesson of Hanuman appeared first on Yoga Awakening With Sue.

This photograph was taken in Rishikesh, India’s magical, spiritual city. Hanuman, featured in the photograph, is the monkey deity, half-monkey, and half God. Hanuman is known for his superpowers. He jumps over mountains, swims across oceans, runs like a gazelle, and can carry an elephant on his back! He is an extreme superhero! Being half-monkey, he was also very playful and often a trickster. His antics agitated the other gods. One day, the gods were so annoyed with Hanuman’s pranks that they decided to punish him by taking away his superpowers. As the story unfolds, the reigning king, during this time, King Rama, to whom Hanuman was completely devoted, asked for Hanuman’s help. You see, his most beautiful and beloved wife, Queen Sita, was captured by an evil king and needed to be rescued. Bravely, Hanuman accepted the quest to rescue Queen Sita. However, without his superpowers, this quest was quite challenging. He struggled in desperation, rallying across deserts and mountains. As he approached the great ocean, he was bewildered. How would he cross to the island of Shri Lanka where the Queen was said to be captured? While contemplating crossing the ocean, he was suddenly approached by the king of the bears, Jambavan. Jambavan revealed to Hanuman that his divine superpowers were always inherent within him. With this revelation, Hanuman immediately took a great leap of faith and stretched his legs all the way from India to Shri Lanka. This is how the pose Hanumanasana, the monkey split, came to be. The tale of Hanuman reminds us to remember our strengths, our courage, and our true nature. We may not be able to stretch across oceans or jump over mountains, but through our practice of yoga, we return over and over again to unravel and discover the truth of our divine nature. In the photograph above, you see Hanuman tearing open his chest to find implanted on his heart, King Rama and Queen Sita, forever reminding him of his dedication and faithfulness to his beloved King and Queen. In addition to his superpowers, Hanuman’s devotion was the truth of his divine nature. Try the following yoga class, which leads up to the pose hanumanasana. Yoga for Hips and Hamstrings I hope to see you on the mat!

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Purification of the 5 Elements ( Buttha Shudi) Wed, 17 Feb 2021 18:28:05 +0000 Buttha Shudi is a yogic practice to purify the elements. All matter, living and nonliving, contain all of the 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether or space (akasha). Below are recommendations for the purification of all 5 elements. With these practices, we are more likely to be free from sickness and disease. Try […]

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Buttha Shudi is a yogic practice to purify the elements. All matter, living and nonliving, contain all of the 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether or space (akasha). Below are recommendations for the purification of all 5 elements. With these practices, we are more likely to be free from sickness and disease. Try to make them a daily practice for better health and happiness!


  • Get out in nature
  • Walk upon the earth with bare feet, touch the earth with your hands
  • Give gratitude to the earth every day
  • Make sure to eat only whole foods 


  • Drink 8 to 16 cups of water a day 
  • Have warm water with lemon or lime each morning before eating
  • Take a bath
  • Go for a swim


  • Get sunshine every day! 
  • Give gratitude to the sun by doing sun salutations 
  • Build heat, get exercise, and sweat every day
  • Stand in front of a fire


  • Get out in the fresh air daily ( Is the air that you breathe free from contamination?)
  • Practice pranayama breathing techniques Here is just one of many practices –Pranayama
  • Keep the window open a crack when sleeping


  • Practice savasana every day (Final pose in most yoga classes)
  • Do yoga Nidra as part of savasana. Try the many practices of yoga Nidra on Insight Timer App
  • Meditate – especially meditations related to the chakras 

By doing these daily practices for the 5 elements (Buttha Shudi) and taking time for the physical practice of yoga every day, you will begin to see changes in your body, mind, and spirit. Take this time to be the best you that you can be. Your health and happiness are worth it!

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The Yamas Fri, 12 Feb 2021 03:21:08 +0000 The Yamas are the first of the 8 limbs of yoga. They concern our relationship with self and others. Practicing the first limb of yoga, the Yamas expands our practice beyond the mat. Below you will see the 5 Yamas and ideas for practicing each one. Also, you may want to try a yoga class […]

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The Yamas are the first of the 8 limbs of yoga. They concern our relationship with self and others. Practicing the first limb of yoga, the Yamas expands our practice beyond the mat. Below you will see the 5 Yamas and ideas for practicing each one. Also, you may want to try a yoga class and learn more about the Yamas, Here.

1 AHIMSA – (1st Yama) Non-violence, non-harming, compassion and love

Ways to Practice Ahimsa

  • Take time every day for self-care. When we feel good about ourselves, we can better communicate and extend love and compassion to others.
  • On the mat, practice heart openers like camel pose (ustrasana), locust pose (shalabasana), and bow pose (dhanurasana). Try my heart-opening class here.
  • Repeat daily the Buddhist loving-kindness meditation. May I (we) be happy, may I (we) be free from pain and suffering, may I (we) be peaceful and full of bliss. (Join me in practice here)
  • On your mat, do you practice in a way that is non-harming for your body, or do you let ego come into play?
  • Have a daily meditation practice. By committing to daily meditation, you will learn to be less reactive. If someone wrongs you, you will more likely remain calm, peaceful, and less reactive.

2 SATYA – (2nd Yama) Truthfulness- meaning not only truthfulness to others but also ourselves. Satya is about honoring the truth of our highest life principles, values, virtues, and ideals.

Ways to Practice Satya

  • Ask yourself – and journal and answer the following questions
    • Did I do activities today that were untruthful to my virtues and values? Did I do them solely out of obligation?
    • Am I living my truth through my work?
    • Am I living a life that is true to my highest ideals and the truth of who I am?
    • Are my relationships with my friends and partners, husband or wife, true to my life ideals?
  • Repeat the mantra – “I follow and speak my truth. I listen to the truth of others.”
  • On the mat, practice throat openers like puppy dog pose (anahatasana) and fish pose ( matsyasana).
  • The next time someone wrongs you, compassionately speak your word.

3 ASTEYA – (3rd Yama) Non-stealing (this goes much beyond stealing someone’s possession)

Ways to Practice Asteya

  • The next time you have a conversation with someone, notice if you “stole” the conversation or if you permitted the other person to speak.
  • On your mat, stay inward in your own practice without wanting to covet what someone next to you can do. Remind yourself that yoga is about the journey and not the goal.
  • Journal and answer the following questions
    • Do you respect other people’s time, or do you steal it from them?
    • In your mind, do you covet what others have?
    • Do you steal ideas, or do you give credit where it is due?

4 BRAHMCHARIA – (4th Yama) Non-excess, self-control of both actions and thoughts. (Literally translates to celibacy) Appropriate use of one’s vital energy.

Ways to Practice Brahmacharia

  • Take note in your life where there is excess – for example, too much work, food, shopping, sex, or alcohol. By meditating every day, (including yoga as a moving meditation), you can begin to break these excess habits.
  • On your mat, where are you using up too much energy by over-efforting? Engage the naval center in and up, aiding in conserving energy—practice peace-within physically and mentally with challenging poses.
  • Practice tai chi or tai chi yoga and notice how you conserve your energy.
  • Journal the following questions-
    • Am I a workaholic? Do I need a better balance in my life?
    • Do I spend too much time shopping and spending and buying things that I do not really need?
    • Do I eat an excess of food, or am I mindful of what I put in my body?

5 APARIGRAHA – (5th Yama) Non-hoarding, non- grasping, non-possessiveness. (letting go of things, or thoughts and ideas)

Ways to Practice Aparigraha

  • Seasonally clean through your stuff. Read the following book
  • Practice pranayama techniques with longer exhales. What are you holding onto emotionally? Use these longer exhales to release negative emotions.
  • When shopping ask yourself the question, “Do I really need this?”
  • Meditate and reflect on where you have collected unnecessary things, and even people. Where have you collected negative thoughts like gossip and ideas you need to release?
  • Journal and ask yourself the following questions-
    • Do I obsessively collect things? If I were to lose them, would I be OK without them?
    • Do I collect friends just because my ego comes into play, or do I have a few close friends that share the same ideals as myself?
    • Do I hold onto emotions that are not serving me?
  • If you are holding onto difficult emotions and you deeply need to release and let go, try The Rise of the Phoenix on the Insight Timer App.

In summary,

If we take time to meditate every day, whether that be a moving meditation or seated meditation, we will gradually begin to work on the Yamas. We will practice ahimsa and become more compassionate people. We will follow Satya, our truth in every aspect of our life. We will practice asteya and not steal from ourselves or others. We will learn how to conserve our energy (brahmacharya) both on the mat and in life, and we will learn to live with less (aparigraha) and become more minimalistic.

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The Niyamas Sat, 06 Feb 2021 02:13:18 +0000 The Niyamas are the second of the eight limbs of yoga. The Niyamas are disciplines of self-study, introspection, and self-purification. Below, you will find ideas to practice each of the five Niyamas. Take my yoga class Here and learn more about the Niyamas. THE NIYAMAS – Self Observances 1. SAUCHA – Purifications for body and […]

The post The Niyamas appeared first on Yoga Awakening With Sue.

The Niyamas are the second of the eight limbs of yoga. The Niyamas are disciplines of self-study, introspection, and self-purification. Below, you will find ideas to practice each of the five Niyamas. Take my yoga class Here and learn more about the Niyamas.

THE NIYAMAS – Self Observances

1. SAUCHA – Purifications for body and mind, cleansing techniques.

Ways to Practice Saucha:

  • Kapalabhati breathe of fire – practice this daily ritual with my YouTube video here.
  • Daily nasal cleansing with a Neti Pot
  • Fasting or cleanse.
  • Meditate to clear the mind.
  • Chakra meditation.

2. SANTOSHA – Contentment, peace, gratitude.

Ways to Practice Santosha:

  • Keep a gratitude journal.
  • Meditate.
  • Practice being less reactive.
  • Chant, sing, or dance as a meditation.
  • Take time every day to do your favorite activity.

3. TAPAS – Self-discipline, the fire within.

Ways to practice Tapas:

  • Do a strong yoga workout to build inner heat.
  • Make a list of self-care activities that you will do every day.
  • Make a list of rules for yourself (e.g., no electronics 2 hours before bed).
  • Try a new activity and do it for one month, even if it’s just 10 minutes a day.
  • The second you wake up in the morning, ask yourself what you want to manifest for the day.

4. SVADYAYA – Self-study, study of ancient texts.

Ways to practice Svadyaya:

  • Meditate.
  • Read some of the great teachings of yoga, such as Bhagavad Gita or The Path of the Yoga Sutras
  • Listen to the wisdom of some great teachers on YouTube, such as Mooji (see YouTube video –
  • Be conscious of what is harming you physically and mentally, such as excessive sitting in one position, the food you eat, or obsessive behavior.
  • On the mat, be aware of where you are letting ego take over instead of honoring what is best for you.

5. ISHVARA – Connection beyond our small self, surrender.

Ways to practice Ishvara:

  • Practice yoga Nidra (try the free App Insight Timer).
  • Practice Savasana (8 minutes at the end of a yoga practice).
  • Listen to meditation by Mooji on YouTube
  • Repeat a daily mantra such as “not my will, but thy will be done.”
  • Chant Daily.

Embracing the Niyamas: A Personal Journey

In wrapping up our exploration, I hope you’ve felt a personal connection to the Niyamas and the profound impact they can have on your life. For me, integrating these practices has been transformative, bringing balance and depth to both my yoga mat and daily interactions. As we continue our journeys, let’s keep the Niyamas close to our hearts, using them as guiding stars towards greater self-awareness and peace. Join me in embracing these disciplines, and together, let’s cultivate a life filled with purpose and serenity.

The post The Niyamas appeared first on Yoga Awakening With Sue.

Dinacharya – Daily Rituals Tue, 13 Oct 2020 08:02:58 +0000 Dinacharya are self-care rituals that are part of Ayurvedic health and wellness. Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga and a natural medicine system developed in India over 3,000 years ago. Following the rituals of Ayurveda and having a morning and evening routine is most important. Try one or two of the ideas below and […]

The post Dinacharya – Daily Rituals appeared first on Yoga Awakening With Sue.

Dinacharya are self-care rituals that are part of Ayurvedic health and wellness. Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga and a natural medicine system developed in India over 3,000 years ago. Following the rituals of Ayurveda and having a morning and evening routine is most important. Try one or two of the ideas below and gradually let the rituals grow!

  1. Wake up and manifest! Set a positive intention for your day the second you wake up. Also, breathe in thoughts of gratitude.
  2. Pump the belly about 10 times with sharp exhales through the nose ( kabhalabati breath). This will help prepare for the digestion of food.
  3. Drink warm water with lemon or lime
  4. Eliminate
  5. Use a Neti pot to cleanse the nasal passage
  6. Dry brush your body with a silk or wool gharshana glove or loofah sponge
  7. Give yourself a morning self-massage
  8. Spend 5 to 15 minutes practicing Pranayama breathing techniques
  9. Meditate
  10. Do Yoga
  11. Sweat daily – If you cannot physically exercise to sweat, consider a sauna or steam shower.
  12. Eat your heaviest meal at lunch.
  13. Chew your water and drink your food to help aid in digestion (Try to chew your food 25 times)
  14. Get out in nature every day
  15. No eating after 7:00 pm
  16. Unplug from all electronics at least 1 hour before bed
  17. Go to bed early by 10:00 – 10:30
  18. End your day with an intention and thoughts of gratitude

If you would like to make one of your daily rituals yoga, join me every morning and Wake Up and Manifest. Zoom link (this is a donation based class)

Take time every day for these self-care daily rituals (dinacharya) and begin to see the changes you can make in your life for better health and happiness. See you on the mat!



The post Dinacharya – Daily Rituals appeared first on Yoga Awakening With Sue.
