The Niyamas

The Niyamas

The Niyamas are the second of the eight limbs of yoga. The Niyamas are disciplines of self-study, introspection, and self-purification. Below, you will find ideas to practice each of the five Niyamas. Take my yoga class Here and learn more about the Niyamas.

THE NIYAMAS – Self Observances

1. SAUCHA – Purifications for body and mind, cleansing techniques.

Ways to Practice Saucha:

  • Kapalabhati breathe of fire – practice this daily ritual with my YouTube video here.
  • Daily nasal cleansing with a Neti Pot
  • Fasting or cleanse.
  • Meditate to clear the mind.
  • Chakra meditation.

2. SANTOSHA – Contentment, peace, gratitude.

Ways to Practice Santosha:

  • Keep a gratitude journal.
  • Meditate.
  • Practice being less reactive.
  • Chant, sing, or dance as a meditation.
  • Take time every day to do your favorite activity.

3. TAPAS – Self-discipline, the fire within.

Ways to practice Tapas:

  • Do a strong yoga workout to build inner heat.
  • Make a list of self-care activities that you will do every day.
  • Make a list of rules for yourself (e.g., no electronics 2 hours before bed).
  • Try a new activity and do it for one month, even if it’s just 10 minutes a day.
  • The second you wake up in the morning, ask yourself what you want to manifest for the day.

4. SVADYAYA – Self-study, study of ancient texts.

Ways to practice Svadyaya:

  • Meditate.
  • Read some of the great teachings of yoga, such as Bhagavad Gita or The Path of the Yoga Sutras
  • Listen to the wisdom of some great teachers on YouTube, such as Mooji (see YouTube video –
  • Be conscious of what is harming you physically and mentally, such as excessive sitting in one position, the food you eat, or obsessive behavior.
  • On the mat, be aware of where you are letting ego take over instead of honoring what is best for you.

5. ISHVARA – Connection beyond our small self, surrender.

Ways to practice Ishvara:

  • Practice yoga Nidra (try the free App Insight Timer).
  • Practice Savasana (8 minutes at the end of a yoga practice).
  • Listen to meditation by Mooji on YouTube
  • Repeat a daily mantra such as “not my will, but thy will be done.”
  • Chant Daily.

Embracing the Niyamas: A Personal Journey

In wrapping up our exploration, I hope you’ve felt a personal connection to the Niyamas and the profound impact they can have on your life. For me, integrating these practices has been transformative, bringing balance and depth to both my yoga mat and daily interactions. As we continue our journeys, let’s keep the Niyamas close to our hearts, using them as guiding stars towards greater self-awareness and peace. Join me in embracing these disciplines, and together, let’s cultivate a life filled with purpose and serenity.