valentine's day yoga

Wild Thing - Camakarasana: Valentine’s Day Yoga

With Valentine’s Day approaching, my Valentine’s Day yoga practice has naturally evolved to include more heart openers. I always aim to move with the natural rhythms of the universe in my teaching, and this season has called me to explore deep, expansive postures that awaken the heart and spirit.

Recently, I came across an inspiring article on the BBC about the neurological benefits of yoga. In it, I discovered a beautiful Sanskrit term: Camakarasana (Wild Thing) — The Ecstatic Unfolding of the Enraptured Heart. This phrase speaks to the power of heart-opening postures to elicit confidence and courage, even in the face of challenges. It reminds me that when I fully embrace these postures, I embody invincibility!

Enjoy this Valentine’s Day Yoga, a sweet heart-opening practice exploring many forms of Wild Thing, or Camakarasana.


Valentine’s Day Yoga


Breathwork (Seated): Amrita Kriya

Begin by scooping up energy from the earth, sensing the energy in your palms with fingertips touching. Transform it into a lotus flower by bringing your pinky fingers and thumbs together. Lift your lotus mudra to your heart as you sip air through your mouth. Extend your arms straight out, palms up, and exhale as you share the sweet nectar of your soul with the world.



  • Gentle seated circles to warm the spine
  • Side stretches to lengthen the body
  • With hands planted behind you, lift your hips up and shine your heart forward (as long as hips and knees are healthy).
  • On your shins, begin with a cat-cow variation: draw your hands toward your upper thighs as your heart pops forward, then slide your hands back to your knees as you round your back, chin tucked.
  • Next, awaken the heart with a gentle Camakarasana variation by bringing one hand behind you, gently lifting your hips, and raising the other arm to the sky. Then switch sides.
  • Child’s Pose transitioning into Scorpion Child’s Pose (with knees bent and head reaching toward the toes).
  • On all fours, swing one arm around and hold the opposite hand to foot, awakening the heart (switch sides).
  • Anahatasana (Puppy Dog Pose).
  • From all fours, step one foot forward and bring your hands above your head into a steeple position. Find a deep lunge, then swing your arms all the way back and forward, crisscrossing your hands. (Repeat.) This is called Flight of the Birds, sending the hands flowing through the air—the element of the Anahata (heart) chakra.


Down Dog 

In your Downward Dog, create more heart opening by working the thoracic spine with a Cat-Cow variation. Drop your chin to your chest, feeling the upper back arch like a cat, then drop your chest and look forward. Move back and forth.


Standing Series

  • In Tadasana Steeple hands above the head. Awaken the heart center by moving the arms back while engaging the low glutes. Keeping the hand position crescent from right to left.
  • Downward Dog transitioning into Floating Up Dog (staying on toes to create fluidity)
  • Simple twist leading into modified Side Plank with bottom knee on the earth, then into modified Flip Dog or Wild Thing (switch sides)
  • Warrior 1 with steeple hands to Flight of the Birds (swing arms back behind you then fly them forward crisscrossing the wrists)


Peak Pose

Wild Thing or Camakarasana – deep expansion through the heart (advanced variation -in wild thing circle your top arm and then try and touch your ankle.

For an additional peak pose try Scorpion Pincha Mayurasana for an advanced heart-opening inversion


Balance Postures

  • Free-flowing Natarajasana (standing, pick up one leg and bend the knee so toes point back. Reach arms up over head in steeple position, then reach your pointer fingers towards your lifted back foot; then hold the foot and finally if you want a challenge slide the other hand down the leg that is grounded)
  • Malasana (squat in garland pose) evolving into modified wild thing or camakarasana
  • Pigeon Pose melting into Rock Star Pose (variation of Camakarasana)


Cool Down 

Bridge Pose (optional wheel-dhanurasana)

Supine Twist


Savasana: Opening to Love

End your practice by supporting your heart space with blocks, allowing for a gentle expansion in Savasana. Feel the breath move freely through your chest, embodying openness and invincibility.

This practice is a reminder that heart openers are not just physical postures; they are an invitation to move through life with greater confidence, love, and surrender. Whether you are celebrating Valentine’s Day or simply honoring your own heart, may this sequence help you unfold into your most enraptured self.

Bring this Valentine’s Day Yoga practice to life and join me for heart openers from February 3-14. Monday through Friday 7:15 am to 8:00 Zoom Link

Learn more of these challenging postures with the Yoga Awakening Online Training

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