conditions that yoga can help

Online Yoga Teacher Training – Deepen Your Practice & Get Certified

Yoga is more than movement—it’s a way of life, a philosophy,…

The Power of Breath: How Pranayama is Transforming Psychology and Daily Life

What is Pranayama? In recent years, yoga breathing techniques,…
ayurveda and yoga

Ayurveda and Yoga: The Art of Self-Purification

Ayurveda and Yoga: The Power of Purification Ayurveda and…
valentine's day yoga

Valentine’s Day Yoga

My Valentine's Day Yoga Practice With Valentine’s Day approaching,…
Lakshmi Hindu god of preservation

Lakshmi: A Journey to Inner Prosperity

Who is Lakshmi? Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance, prosperity,…
ganesha - the elephant god

Ganesha – The Elephant God

Understanding Ganesha: The Deity of Wisdom and Obstacles Ganesha,…
Sukha Sweetness Contentment

Discovering Sukha: The Sweetness and Contentment Within

What is Sukha? When I say the sankrit word sukha, there is something…
Embracing Lila in action

Embracing Lila!

Embracing Lila! Awakening Playfulness! In our fast-paced, goal-driven…
Vairagya Letting Go through YogaYoga Awakening with Sue

Vairagya – Letting Go

Vairagya: Learning to detach and let go through Yoga Whether…
conditions that yoga can help

4 Conditions That Yoga Can Help Alleviate

What is Yoga? Yoga is a physical and mental practice that involves…